Agave Planting Party! Saturday, June 10
Painting of Mayhuel, Aztec Goddess of Agave, by Mi Corazon Mexica
Agave Planting Party!
Saturday, June 10
8 AM - 1 PM
Planting over 400 agave, cacti, cholla and desert spoon!
Lunch Provided for all Volunteers!
Courtesy of Cruces Creative Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project
Painting of Mayhuel, Aztec Goddess of Agave, by Mi Corazon Mexica
Participants will help Chelenzo Farms and its ongoing ecosystem restoration, education and research efforts, by helping us plant 240 agave plants (6 different species); 75 dasylirion wheeleri (“desert spoon,” which makes sotol), as well as 100+ cholla and cactus.

Click here for a downloadable PDF
Since historically June afternoons are hot, our event will begin promptly at 8 AM with registration.
8:00 AM Registration
8:15-9:00 AM 15-minute talks
Joe Newman, Cactus Rescue Project, “Saving The Santa Fe Cholla”
Lorenzo Dominguez, Hacienda Dominguez & Chelenzo Farms, “Why Agave will Save the World”
Eddy Fasula, Cypress Earth, "Planning Microbiome Design"
9:00 - 12:00 PM Planting of 400+ Succulents
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch Courtesy of Cruces Creative Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project
The project is part of an overarching effort to restore soil health, control soil erosion, re-introduce native plants and drought -resistant crops, cultivate pollinator habitats, increase biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and save the world!
As part of the initiative, we will be applying a few inoculants including microbial extract baths from two different batches of Johnson-Su Bioreactor compost, as well as “Fred’s Vortex Biodynamic Compost Brew” to all plants (except for a control group).
This initiative is partly funded by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture’s Healthy Soil Program and the USDA’s Western SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) program grants.
Agave takes anywhere between 7-35 years to mature and prospectively harvest for distilled products such as agave spirits like tequila, mezcal, bacanora and raicilla. Agave is also cultivated to make fermented livestock feed; fiber for baskets, mats and clothing; biofuel and human food (roasted agave hearts taste like sugarcane - yummy!). Chelenzo Farms is committed to allowing at least 50% of our agaves to flower and serve as pollinators and pillars for ecosystem restoration in Northern New Mexico.
Gloves, tools and lunch will be provided. Please note that planting will take place on uneven terrain with many tripping hazards.
The following is recommended:
Wear sun-screen, a brimmed hat, or other clothing to shield from the sun
Wear long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy shoes or boots
Wear sunglasses or safety glasses
Dress appropriately for being outdoors based on the weather forecast
Wear gloves (some will be provided or you are welcome to bring your own)
We will provide trowels and shovels, but
Bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated (water will also be provided)
Lunch, gloves and tools provided
If you have any questions, please contact Lorenzo at lorenzo@chelenzofarms.com or via text at 646.320.6553
This activity is supported by the NMDA Healthy Soil Program and the USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program, as well as co-sponsored with the Albuquerque Wildlife Group, Bat Conservation International, Cruces Creative Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project, Cactus Rescue Project, Ecotone Landscape Planning, Endangered Species Coalition, Fred Werth, NM Healthy Soil Program Working Group, The Sustainability Sisterhood, Synergia Ranch, The Quivira Coalition and Zinacantan Mezcal.
Chelenzo Farms is also happy to support :
JUNE 4, 2023
The Eldorado Community Center
1 La, Hacienda Loop, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Honoring the late John “Obie” Oberhausen, who passed away on Christmas Eve 2022. Obie was an incredible man and one of the founders of The Cactus Rescue Project (CRP), along with his wife, Nancy Lehrhaupt and friend, Joe Newman. CRP is a grassroots organization instrumental in saving an endangered New Mexico cactus called the Santa Fe Cholla. CRP also promotes the use of cacti as a xeric alternative in our drought prone area.
Click here to read more about Obie, his life and contributions to our community.